We invite you to belong, and we invite you to give back generously alongside of us.
We invite you to know, love, and serve Christ in joy and in faith.
The Parish Office is open...
Monday-Thursday: 8:00am-4pm
Friday: 8:00am-12noon
You can stop in or call us at 262-338-5600.
Low-gluten Hosts are available at Mass for persons with this specific medical need at Saint Mary’s Immaculate Conception Parishes. If you require a low-gluten Host, please present yourself to the priest-celebrant at any Mass by coming for Communion at the very end of the Communion line as the last communicant. Please inform the priest as you approach him for Communion that you need a low-gluten Host. He will retrieve the low-gluten Hosts from the altar and bring them to you to receive.